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BMW 7er, Modell E32
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Alt 06.05.2007, 21:49   #1
Benutzerbild von Fahrwerks-GOTT
Registriert seit: 24.05.2006
Ort: Rehau
Fahrzeug: E23-745i(12.80), E34 540iT 6-Gang (11.94), Alpina C1 2,3 BAUR TC (08.83), E23 733i (07.79), E30 340i 6-Gang (09.82), E30 325eA (05.86), X5 4,6is
Standard Fehlermeldung Abblendlicht - Xenon und Umlöten LKM

So haben bei meinem Kollegen Xenon im 88er 750i nachgerüstet. Dadurch dass das LKM-B verbaut ist kommt natürlich die Fehlermeldung "Abblendlicht". Nachdem ich dies auch bei meinem 540i E34 vorhabe, hab ich mir dort die Anleitung im e34-Forum zum Umlöten des LKM gezogen und bin voller Tatendran gin meine Werkstatt gegangen. Doch auch nach Öffnen mehrer LKM die ich noch liegen hab, ist keines so wie dort in der Anleitung beschrieben! Die mir vorliegenden (aus div. e34 und e32 von Bj. 88-95) sehen alle so wie bei Rottaler beschrieben aus: Interner Link)

So nun meine Frage wo muss ich nun genau umlöten, sprich Leiterbahn durchtrennen und Kabelbrücke einsetzen? Anleitung vom e34-Forum leider nicht zu gebruachen udn das Bild von Rottalers Posting ist leider bissl unscharf
Fahrwerks-GOTT ist offline   Antwort Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 06.05.2007, 22:13   #2
† August 2007
Benutzerbild von Rottaler2
Registriert seit: 09.02.2003
Ort: Eggenfelden
Fahrzeug: 750iL Bj 04.91 +T+SH

Hi Fahrwerks-GOTTDie Teile sind so klein, dass man die fast nicht sieht, habe dafür eine Lupe , Kannst mir das Teil senden, dann löte ich dir das um!
Gruß Reinhard
Interner Link)
jeden 2. Sonntag im Monat ab 12:00 Stammtisch in Eggenfelden
Rottaler2 ist offline   Antwort Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 06.05.2007, 22:37   #3
Benutzerbild von Fahrwerks-GOTT
Registriert seit: 24.05.2006
Ort: Rehau
Fahrzeug: E23-745i(12.80), E34 540iT 6-Gang (11.94), Alpina C1 2,3 BAUR TC (08.83), E23 733i (07.79), E30 340i 6-Gang (09.82), E30 325eA (05.86), X5 4,6is

Hi. Naja so unbegabt bin ich dann doch net denk ich , wenn ich nur Fakten bekomm udn wo was umgelötet werden muss.
Will damit u.a. auch den anderen Fehler (wo du auch auf mein anderes Posting bzgl. der Rücklichter geschrieben hast) auf den Grund gehen dass es damit nix zu tun hat.
Fahrwerks-GOTT ist offline   Antwort Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 15.05.2007, 10:25   #4
Benutzerbild von Fahrwerks-GOTT
Registriert seit: 24.05.2006
Ort: Rehau
Fahrzeug: E23-745i(12.80), E34 540iT 6-Gang (11.94), Alpina C1 2,3 BAUR TC (08.83), E23 733i (07.79), E30 340i 6-Gang (09.82), E30 325eA (05.86), X5 4,6is

Reinhard wärst du so freundlich und gibts mir nähere Infos was umzuöten ist? Wäre nett. Danke schonmal
Fahrwerks-GOTT ist offline   Antwort Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 15.05.2007, 11:49   #5
Benutzerbild von Erich
Registriert seit: 19.07.2002
Ort: Joso
Fahrzeug: E32 750iL 11/88

ich versuch das mal, dir mit japanischen Anleitungen zu erklaeren
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nun zurueck zur PDF und schau dir dies an, da sind die pins 1-8 und 9-16, der weisse Pfeil ist die Leitung fuer Abblendlicht, die musst Du durchtrennen.
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Beispiel der Uebersetzung

As for the warning function of LKM,

Low-beam sphere being cut off warning the left and right

Tail lamp sphere being cut off warning the left and right

License plate sphere being cut off warning the left and right

Sphere being cut off warning of the right brake lamp

Sphere being cut off warning of the left brake lamp

Is the function which is from beginning to here. After that, as for the function which becomes addition,

Sphere being cut off warning of fog lamp left and right

Sphere being cut off warning of position left and right

Sphere being cut off warning of parking lamp left and right

Obscurity? About rear 3 routes...

Already in connection with the brake 1 route

Like above, color it is inside LKM drawing up warning, by way of CCM it indicates inside meter.

In order this time, consumed electric current changes, e.g., the tail lamp and the like to LED is converted with, warning comes out and cancelling the fact that you put away mandatorily, (kills) to put away, it tries remodelling. When this is done, don't you think? as for warning being to stop coming out... please execute the start-up inspection even with the true burned-out bulb!

In the same way, to HID converting the low beam, unless you can turn off even with the canceler.... When the brake and the license plate to LED we would like to convert if when is, is useful, it is fortunate.

To the last, to be something which was analyzed privately with hobby, as for credit rating? Is. We ask remodelling on self responsibility.

When circuit, the CMOS - IC shift register which is inside (CD4021) each alarm signal is input by input, and the terminal voltage becomes H, it has made judge as warning state. The same IC to be used with all stock LKM, because it is presumed, that it is the similar circuit, as for manner of processing you think that it is the same.

As for input terminal number of this IC each warning,

1st pin : Low-beam sphere being cut off warning the left and right
15th pin : Tail lamp sphere being cut off warning the left and right
14th pin : License plate sphere being cut off warning the left and right
13th pin : The right (the left) sphere being cut off warning of brake lamp
4th pin : The left (the right) sphere being cut off warning of brake lamp


The error to demon converting the signal which has come to that terminal, if always it locks in L, you can kill the function of warning.

Pattern of the baseplate which concretely, has come to that terminal is cut with the cutter and the like, the terminal GND (the 8th pin) is dropped into the ground by the fact that it connects. AAs for the warning function of LKM,

Low-beam sphere being cut off warning the left and right

Tail lamp sphere being cut off warning the left and right

License plate sphere being cut off warning the left and right

Sphere being cut off warning of the right brake lamp

Sphere being cut off warning of the left brake lamp

Is the function which is from beginning to here. After that, as for the function which becomes addition,

Sphere being cut off warning of fog lamp left and right

Sphere being cut off warning of position left and right

Sphere being cut off warning of parking lamp left and right

Obscurity? About rear 3 routes...

Already in connection with the brake 1 route

Like above, color it is inside LKM drawing up warning, by way of CCM it indicates inside meter.

In order this time, consumed electric current changes, e.g., the tail lamp and the like to LED is converted with, warning comes out and cancelling the fact that you put away mandatorily, (kills) to put away, it tries remodelling. When this is done, don't you think? as for warning being to stop coming out... please execute the start-up inspection even with the true burned-out bulb!

In the same way, to HID converting the low beam, unless you can turn off even with the canceler.... When the brake and the license plate to LED we would like to convert if when is, is useful, it is fortunate.

To the last, to be something which was analyzed privately with hobby, as for credit rating? Is. We ask remodelling on self responsibility.

When circuit, the CMOS - IC shift register which is inside (CD4021) each alarm signal is input by input, and the terminal voltage becomes H, it has made judge as warning state. The same IC to be used with all stock LKM, because it is presumed, that it is the similar circuit, as for manner of processing you think that it is the same.

As for input terminal number of this IC each warning,

1st pin : Low-beam sphere being cut off warning the left and right
15th pin : Tail lamp sphere being cut off warning the left and right
14th pin : License plate sphere being cut off warning the left and right
13th pin : The right (the left) sphere being cut off warning of brake lamp
4th pin : The left (the right) sphere being cut off warning of brake lamp


The error to demon converting the signal which has come to that terminal, if always it locks in L, you can kill the function of warning.

Pattern of the baseplate which concretely, has come to that terminal is cut with the cutter and the like, the terminal GND (the 8th pin) is dropped into the ground by the fact that it connects. After that, if for preventing rust and safety it processes with silicon and the adhesive, furthermore whether better you think.

It places also the schematic of outline. Being able to analyze also the additional warning function which joins from the middle, it is to the place where shift register is added to 2 steps.

Outline schematic (PDF file, approximately 13KB)

Remodelling example

Then, actual remodelling example.... This time, 61.35 - it tries designating 1379372 as the target. This LKM, with my analytical result being simplest, is something whose also detection functions are few.

It tried opening the cover.... As expected it is simple. Don't you think? relay is visible 4.

It is relay of the low beam, relay of the high beam, relay of the fog and relay of the bag fog from the right in order.

In the solder section of this relay with aged deterioration as for the crack entering, sometimes it lights up unless
Condition occurs. In this case, doing again to apply the solder, when it can repair is many, is. You verify that it does not have either bag fog relay to J correspondence of the Japanese specification.

Well, then, 4021 of the target will be searched! It stuck for identifying the baseplate, "61.35-1379 under of of the truth of the seal of 372" is aim 4021.

When you see from the reverse side, it is such feeling.

This is the example which turns off warning the tail lamp.

15th cutting the pattern which has come in, (ahead the white arrow), it connects the 15th pin and the 8th pin with the jumper cable.

fter that, if for preventing rust and safety it processes with silicon and the adhesive, furthermore whether better you think.

It places also the schematic of outline. Being able to analyze also the additional warning function which joins from the middle, it is to the place where shift register is added to 2 steps.

Outline schematic (PDF file, approximately 13KB)

Remodelling example

Then, actual remodelling example.... This time, 61.35 - it tries designating 1379372 as the target. This LKM, with my analytical result being simplest, is something whose also detection functions are few.

It tried opening the cover.... As expected it is simple. Don't you think? relay is visible 4.

It is relay of the low beam, relay of the high beam, relay of the fog and relay of the bag fog from the right in order.

In the solder section of this relay with aged deterioration as for the crack entering, sometimes it lights up unless
Condition occurs. In this case, doing again to apply the solder, when it can repair is many, is. You verify that it does not have either bag fog relay to J correspondence of the Japanese specification.

Well, then, 4021 of the target will be searched! It stuck for identifying the baseplate, "61.35-1379 under of of the truth of the seal of 372" is aim 4021.

When you see from the reverse side, it is such feeling.

This is the example which turns off warning the tail lamp.

15th cutting the pattern which has come in, (ahead the white arrow), it connects the 15th pin and the 8th pin with the jumper cable.
Pin 8 is Masse (GND). nach durchtrennen der Phase da (weisser Pfeil) den entsprechenden Punkt 15 mit 8 verbinden (Masse). In diesem Fall Ruecklicht.

Alles ohne Gewaehr, dies sind jap. LKM, Tip kommt von der jap. E34 Seite.
Aber vielleicht helfen die Bilder.
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