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Modell E65/E66
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Alt 12.01.2004, 10:14   #1
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Registriert seit: 12.01.2004
Fahrzeug: BMW 730 d E65
Standard Navigation problem with dvd disc


Problem: I have professional navigation system (609) in my E65 (9/02). I bought a new dvd mapdisc, but it doesn´t work, the equipment pushes the disc out and command says "cant find cd disc". I tought that 609 professional navigation system should work also with dvds? Does dvd changer help in this case? (havent got any yet).


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Alt 12.01.2004, 12:21   #2
Chris Angle
früher: stolzer Besitzer
Benutzerbild von Chris Angle
Registriert seit: 11.01.2004
Ort: Schwarzwald-Baar
Fahrzeug: E65 730d (Fertigungsdat.: März 2003)

Hello Moriz 202

As far as I know the dvd-navigation player has been bulit into the E65/66 in early 2003, not earlier. Just open the rear left side in the trunk, boot or motoring (I don't know what it is called in English: the area where you put your luggage) and look at the navigation player. If it does not read DVD-Navigation, then it is a CD Player only as the date of car-production suggests yet.

The DVD changer however will only play DVD-Video and CD-Audio, nothing else! So it isn't a solution for the navigation system.

The only possibilties for you is either to exchange the navigation-cd player for a navigation-dvd-player or to exchange the navigation-dvd for a navigation-cd which should be the cheaper solution for the moment.

Greetings from Germany

[Bearbeitet am 12.1.2004 um 12:41 von Chris Angle]
Weiterhin Dauerbaustellenbesitzer = enttäuscht-frustierter Besitzer
Chris Angle ist offline   Antwort Mit Zitat antworten
Alt 12.01.2004, 13:28   #3
Neues Mitglied
Registriert seit: 12.01.2004
Fahrzeug: BMW 730 d E65

Thanks for the information!

Original geschrieben von Chris Angle
Hello Moriz 202

As far as I know the dvd-navigation player has been bulit into the E65/66 in early 2003, not earlier. Just open the rear left side in the trunk, boot or motoring (I don't know what it is called in English: the area where you put your luggage) and look at the navigation player. If it does not read DVD-Navigation, then it is a CD Player only as the date of car-production suggests yet.

The DVD changer however will only play DVD-Video and CD-Audio, nothing else! So it isn't a solution for the navigation system.

The only possibilties for you is either to exchange the navigation-cd player for a navigation-dvd-player or to exchange the navigation-dvd for a navigation-cd which should be the cheaper solution for the moment.

Greetings from Germany

[Bearbeitet am 12.1.2004 um 12:41 von Chris Angle]
moriz202 ist offline   Antwort Mit Zitat antworten

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